Tuesday 2 April 2013

Gender: What is it?

The human experience seems to always be divided into two separate "sides." You always have light and dark, day and night, good and evil, love and hate, and of course: male and female. I just find gender an interesting topic to discuss due to how much it actually effects the lives of every human being, yet it is something that it is never really talked about in depth because it can sometimes feel like a "social taboo."

It doesn't matter if you are male, female or anything in between, you are a human being. One of the most amazing things about being a human being is the idea of diversity. We would never survive without it, both physically, and spiritually. No one is better at being you than you.

Today, society has created three different categories of gender: male, female and other. Both the male and female genders are completely based biologically, yet the third category: other, which includes transsexuals, etc... Is not based biologically, but on a sense of self-thoughts.

Men and women are different biologically due to evolution of the human species. In religious texts, females were created by a rib of man, yet all stories point to there being a clear boundary of what a male and female are. Men crave woman, and woman crave men and both reproduce. Other couples such as those that are gay, surround others with happiness.

Is there any shame in a woman wanting to be a man for a day, or a man a woman? I believe no. In the matter of fact, I think that it is a beautiful idea, which could encourage tolerance, and a new sacred bond between the genders.

In the end, we will always need two half's to make a whole, but that is also the beauty of life.

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