Tuesday 26 March 2013

Advice to guys wanting to ask girls out ;^)

So, I've got some advice after asking both males and females, as well as looking into my own personal experiences. Here is a helpful list of a few things that may help you asking out that pretty girl who has stolen your heart. ;^) I am NOT a professional, so just follow your heart, alright? Cheers!

  1. Know her: OK,  before you ask that girl out, make sure you KNOW HER first. Ask some mutual friends and see what she's into. Knowing what she's into can help you see if your compatible  and can help make it easier for you to break the ice and make a conversation with her. 
  2. Be yourself: NEVER change how you are for another person. If you like music, and they hate music, don't start hating music because of her. Being YOU is the best thing you are at, and you should always make sure to love yourself before you love another. Act natural! Just laugh, have fun and enjoy the things you love to enjoy. Remember, like attracts like, so if you are in situations all the time that you live, such as Swimming, you might meet your future girlfriend in a pool. Plus, if you are honest about yourself, it makes getting a LOT more easier (not that I would know.)
  3. Love yourself before another: They say you can never love another until you love yourself. and this is true. If YOU don't love yourself, how is a girl suppose to love YOU. Find time to love yourself, and see how cool of a person you really are! LOVE YOURSELF! You are the only person in the world that can love yourself, no one can love you for you. Once you love who you are, your self-confidence will also rise, and it will be easier, and more enjoyable to find that special someone!
  4. Be Honest: Don't go all crazy when asking her out, just be honest and in a non-awkward situation (Don't ask her out in front of other people or friends) Just find some time where you can ask her out for a coffee or a walk or something! 
  5. Don't be CLINGY!: OK, probably the MOST POPULAR WITH GIRLS that I have talked to is that they don't want their boyfriend to be clingy. Basically, don't always be texting/phoning her. Couples need room! Give her some! A healthy relationship with couples includes away time from each other  Learn to live your OWN life, not hers. Once again, everyone is different, but just adjust to your partners needs.
  6. Go at her pace: OK, guys, we know we all love the bodies of girls, etc... DON'T make her feel uncomfortable. It is reported by a few servery s that people are losing their virginity around the ages 18-28. It's your decision as a couple if you want to risk sex. It can be rewarding, but one must remember the consequences of friendships, disease or even having a child. do NOT force her into anything, or you may be facing an awkward no, or in a more serious case: a police charge. 
  7. Have Fun!: Relationships should be a fun experience, enjoy it!
  8. It's OK to make mistakes: As a teen, we are still learning how to handle, well, life! It's ok to mistakes, just make sure you LEARN from them, 
  9. Learn to move on: If she says no, or dumps you, do yourself a favor and MOVE ON. From personal experience, kit does no good for you to dwell in the past and think about the "What if's." Live you life, you never know what could be around the corner! :^)
  10. It's OK to be single: I know, it probably sounds stupid, especially to me, but it really is OK to be single. This is an excellent time to do things that YOU want to do, and plus you get to save a little bit of money ;^) 

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