Tuesday 26 March 2013

Advice to girls wanting to ask guys out ;^)

Before I say anything, I just want to say good for you! "You've got balls!" Seriously though, I really am proud of you if your a girl asking a guy out. It takes courage to go against all of these "societal conventions" that it "has" to be the guy asking the girl out. It honestly doesn't matter who you love, and who asks the other out. If you love someone, be honest with both YOURSELF and them (notice I said YOU first). Here is a few quick pointers from both Males and Females, and personal thoughts from me about girls asking out a dude. Once again, I am NOT a professional, so you should really just follow your heart. Good luck! Cheers! :^)

  1. Be Yourself: If a guy doesn't like who you really are, he doesn't deserve you. You are a beautiful person, and deserve the best dude out there! If you are acting like you, you will attract events and people that are also like you! It's literally that simple. Show the world that amazing YOU!
  2. Communicate: Guys aren't as good as communicating their feelings as girls are (in general) so be clear on how you are feeling. Guys can sometimes become confused, and can think you are sending the wrong signals such as leading on, or something else. Men are not mind readers, yet neither are you. Keep good communication open between the both of you. How else could he know if you don't like something? 
  3. Don't fall into peer or BF pressure: You are a remarkable person. In the matter of fact, the ONLY person that is worthy of controlling your life is YOU! Remember, this is YOUR life your living, and no one else's. That being said, if your boyfriend wants to do something, don't do it just because of him, do it because you trust him with trying something new, or you want to do it as well. Live your own life.
  4. Your beautiful: You are an amazing, fantastic individual! LOVE WHO YOU ARE! You are frigging awesome, and the world hopefully knows that too! It doesn't matter what shape, or size, or religion  or colour, or.. WHATEVER! You are YOU! And I think THAT is pretty cool! ;^)
  5. Have Fun!: Relationships should be a fun experience, enjoy it!
  6. It's OK to make mistakes: As a teen, we are still learning how to handle, well, life! It's OK to mistakes, just make sure you LEARN from them, 
  7. Learn to move on: If he says no, or dumps you, do yourself a favor and MOVE ON. From personal experience, kit does no good for you to dwell in the past and think about the "What if's." Live you life, you never know what could be around the corner! :^)
  8. It's OK to be single: I know, it probably sounds stupid, especially to me, but it really is OK to be single. This is an excellent time to do things that YOU want to do, and plus you get to save a little bit of money ;^) 
  9. Have "Me" time: Remember, the happiest couples are couples that give each other personal time. This includes not being "clingy" with texts, phone calls, etc.. By all means, its awesome to communicate with each other, just make sure you have some time apart with yourself, other friends, family, hobbies, etc... 
  10. Honesty: Be honest with both YOURSELF and HIM! Ask him out, be honest! Remember to respect him, and make sure he respects you. If you like, or don't like something  don't play any guessing games, and please just let him know!

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